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Welcome to Kurakula Foundation!


The prevailing COVID pandemic has intensified the already existing problems in the world. The most vulnerable to the current and after effects of pandemic are the under-privileged and weaker sections of the society. Kurakula Foundation is a Charitable Trust formed to make a difference to the lives of some of these disadvantaged people. Our objective is to look for innovative ideas and roll out projects that have long term impact in the lives of these vulnerable fellow citizens. We believe that a long term, long lasting and powerful impact can be created only by involving and focusing on the youth - the future of the nation!​ 


Going by the old proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" we have launched our flagship project "YouthImpact". YouthImpact is our youth mentoring project focused on the Youth from under privileged and weaker sections of the society. A large number of well educated, professionals, successful personalities from various fields will be mentoring the Youth and guide them through the challenges related to education, career, interpersonal problems, mental health issues. YouthImpact project will extensively use virtual mentoring process to connect the mentors and mentees and continue their interaction with ease. It also includes one-to-one and group mentoring activities. 


Kurakula Foundation identified four focus areas to create a long lasting impact namely - Food, Health, Education and Environment. Innovative Projects involving Youth will be rolled out over time which deliver powerful long lasting impact.


We are fully committed to our projects and are confident of achieving results. We believe that by working with you hand in hand, we can make the desired impact. We warmly invite you to get involved in our projects as a Volunteer or a Mentor or a Donor or in all the three roles. We assure you that your valuable time and money is put to the right and best use to impact millions of lives!



Kurakula Sreenivasa Rao

Managing Trustee



Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of  good put together that overwhelm the world.

- Desmond Tutu

Our Mission

Our Vision

To make a long lasting impact on the youth of India!

Team Paddle

Our Mission

Through various social & charitable projects in the areas of Youth Mentoring, Food, Education, Health, and Environment, make a long lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged and weaker sections of the society.

Our Values









Arms Raised in Huddle

We Need Your Support Today!

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